Elly Jessop Nattinger, Experience Engineer

people + space (+ technology)

GLOW Dress

Photo by Hans Wendland

Photo by Justin Moore

Glow is a dress that senses and responds to its wearer’s movement, echoing the quality of that movement through its own dynamic patterns of illumination. Without motion, the dress remains quiet, a static form; with motion, it comes alive with light, as the wearer's gestures are amplified and transformed into elegant, luminous gestures that ripple through the entire garment.

Accelerometers in the garment measure the qualities of the wearer’s movement, which determine parameters of the patterns of light through different pathways of LEDs. The sensors were chosen and placed to capture the movement of the arms and the hem of the dress.

This piece has been exhibited at the MIT Media Lab, the Mobius Wearable Art Runway Show, and the seARTS’ Celebrate Wearable Art! Show.

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